Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Great Expectations.

The other day at work, finally accepting that it was going to be a long day, I gave in and decided to get me some coffee. I usually bring my own coffee and creamer, but that day I was out of luck so I had to get what work offered. Whatever, I thought, I just need something to keep me awake. Trying to find the creamer in the cupboard, I totally missed it. I knew the sugar came in a big container that looks like the Springles container, but wider; and I was expecting the creamer to be in small packets like restaurants do. To my surprise, the creamer was also in a similar container as the sugar.
You may say, so what's your point? Well, this made me ponder… humans make the same mistake when we are looking for a partner. We're looking for someone in particular, but we may miss the right person just because it didn't look like what we were expecting. BIGGEST MISTAKE IN LIFE!

This is a situation I had discussed with a close friend of mine a few years back. He continues to complain how I don't have time to talk to him now that I found my other half; he gets depressed thinking that he may not find the right person any time soon. My advice has been to lower his standards, he's asking for too much and out of his league; not that he's ugly and he can't make it happen, because I've had my lucky strikes, but my logic has been pretty open minded, while he doesn't give a second look to someone that seems interested, for the reason that they don't meet his expectations. We have to be realistic and honest with ourselves; sure we deserve the best, but we have to keep our horizons abroad for anything. The best gifts don’t always come in the best wrapping. Now, he's gotten better luck, and when I ask how his trick looks like, he always starts with "well, he's not really that cute, but… he makes me laugh." I'm glad his perspective is changing, and that he's widening his choices, I'm happy that he's happy. I just wish everyone gave themselves the chance to open up and try something new, get to know someone you usually wouldn't go for. You could be surprised. You could gain a friend. Who knows!