Sunday, May 26, 2013


If you know me, you should know that I am a very passionate person. I do the things that I love, and I enjoy doing them; I get lost in doing them, and I talk non-stop about it, and I share my love for such things. Luckily, I have friends that put up with this crazy habit of mine, and it's a blessing. For example, what's equivalent to ninth grade here, in Mexico I wrote a play and with a group of twenty-five people, we performed in front of the whole school -and that was only the beginning to many more shows that I put on, eventually to perform even at the Independence Day festival.

Here in the USA has been a little bit more challenging to explore my creativity and interests due to the language barrier, but it has not stopped me though. I have filmed two series of my project "TwentySomething" and I keep working on the documentary of Mitch and I living together. I also love writing about LGBTQ people, and I keep a website where I share those stories; and this blog that helps me organize my thoughts. I used to keep a journal, but it just became monotonous. I guess life becomes that way when we believe there  is no more to it. However, today I say NO MORE!

I cannot allow myself to live in the WHAT-IF world anymore. I cannot do this to myself. I don't write stories about what I could have done; it is time to do it and live it and share it with you. Or write it on this blog just to get it off my chest, and maybe someone else will read it and share the same liking. Who knows!

So this is my own personal vendetta,  I wonder if I used this word in the correct sentence and meaning.
I will do what my old self will come up with excuses to not do.

Recently, an example of the promise above mentioned, I attended a concert of this artist that was discovered on American Idol; I kind of had the feeling that not many people would show up, and when I got to the venue, the parking lot was pretty much empty. I am shy. I get embarrassed easily. Walking into a place where the crowd consists of possibly ten tables only, it would had made me go back in my shell and turn around. But I stayed. 
I had followed Josiah Leming for the longest time, and now that I was so close to meet him in person, I could not let this opportunity pass; and I am so glad I went against my fear. The fact that there wasn't a big crowd it made it more personal, and easier to talk to him after the performance which by the way was amazing. 

Where am I going with this, you may ask? Well, as many of you may know by now, I love writing, and I set a list of goals to accomplish by the end of the year. One of these things I wrote down was to support local talent and businesses, so here is my plan: I will attend as many gigs/places/art shows as my job and bank account allow me to, and I will keep a blog to promote them. I know it's not a lot, but with the help of the media and yours, I know we can put Nebraska in an even better place. I love this state. I love this city. And I think we can make it greater. So you send me invites and names of places that I should check out and tell everyone about; this will be the only way to spread the word, from mouth to mouth, and helping one another. We're all doing what we love, and if my writing or vlogging helps others expand their horizons, so be it. You're with me?