Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Sorry you can't define me
Sorry I break the mold
Sorry that I speak my mind
Sorry don't do what I'm told
Sorry if I don't fake it
Sorry I come too real
I will never hide what I really feel. 
No way.
So here it is
No hype, no glass, no pretense.
Just me..."

It may sound over dramatic, very High-School like, but the lines above, from my favorite performer Miss Christina Aguilera, speak to me; they held a deep meaning in my life when I was a very young (and very gay) antsy teenager. And to this moment, I can still say that they hold truth, and feelings.
Of course, I am older now and I know when to speak my mind, and when to bite my tongue and swallow that pride; ain't nobody got time for that! I am an adult, I have better things to do than to hold grudges or argue over little things with irrational people. I am who I am for the mistakes I made, I learned from them, and I moved on. I also grew from my accomplishments because they gave me the certainty that I am capable of doing what I put effort into; I've witnessed firsthand how hard-work pays off. And, obviously, my foundation, my family. I've told you many times the struggles we went through so I am not going to make this a sob story; however, I do find it important to underline the fact that they helped build my persona. 

Today, I don't say (and I don't find the need to do so) that I AM REAL or that I AM NOT FAKE. That would be something very childish, and embarrassing to say, at my age. God forbid I ever let those words come out of my mouth! I don't owe any explanation to anybody. I do what I do, what I'm expected to do (at work, at home, personal and professional) and go on with my life. I am not a kid, and the years have given enough experience and common sense to make it out alive. I may not be academically equipped, but I think of myself as a very well educated man. Of course I have flaws, and my closest friends may point it out, and my boyfriend does it all the time, but I never claimed to be perfect; I do try my best to work on those and improve myself. I cannot allow myself to make the same mistake twice, not in this century, not at the rate that this world is evolving. Not when I'm a narcissistic bitch ha! 
-every now and then I catch myself falling back into old habits, but I leap back into my shell and start all over. Every day is a different day, renew yourself! Let's not be the same conformist that this society is trying to make us. Let's say NO. As I said previously, I am working on my education, and it's been quite a long journey, but I haven't given up just yet. There is always a new bright day to begin, or so I see it.