Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Better in Time

I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason.. Regardless of the situation, good or bad, it will get better. Had I been employed, I'd probably end up with a nervous breakdown; I know myself and I have been there more than a couple of times. Sad to say but I am used to it, and I'll be okay. Hope will never wither. I'll keep the light on, night and day, until the storm passes through; and I'll be standing with open arms. The future is just a second away and we must make the best of it.
I will come back to this vague paragraph, and hopefully with a better input; for now, let's focus on what to do while I'm off work.

I have started the story I always wanted to tell. It's not the greatest American novel, but I reckon there are a few people that would enjoy reading something that they might not be familiar with or feel related. There has to be a place willing to publish it, or I will invest my own money, but I do believe that it needs to be heard. I have given away a couple of chapters here and there, and I have received some good feedback. I used some excerpts for my AP English class and my teacher approved; I used it again in Composition Class in college and I got some good pointers once more. Obviously, I may need some more proofreading due to English being my second language, and I am open to some good constructive criticism. My dream to become reality soon, if not this year, is to be a published writer. Surely, I will probably be categorized in the LGBTQ genre,  and I'm okay with that; I want to give a voice to this community. We all may think that everyone is gay friendly, but if you only walked on our shoes for a day, your opinion would quickly change. Ignorance goes both ways, and including within the community; we all need to speak openly and break the taboo. And this is what I want to do, and it is my goal. I don't write only about gay issues, but most of it tends to fall into that. If you're interested, let's pull up a chair and chat over coffee; I love to exchange opinions and learn from others.

And with that being said, I conclude this entry. Let's hope for the best, personal and professionally. Cheers.