Saying that I am far from perfect would be the biggest understatement ever told. Not just about myself, but about anybody. That's why we have others to tell us where, when, and how we fucked up; it's called being a friend, or just anyone that cares about someone. Yet, we continue to be selfish, childish, and stubborn. We choose to hold on to our perspective, and push aside the advice we get from others; unknowingly, sometimes we push a little too far, sending friendships down the drain.
Every so often we get lucky to have a second chance; some other times, as it has happened to me, it goes unnoticed and I play along -as if nothing is going on. Being the better person seems to be the only option, or as I call it, appreciating the person much more than they deserve. We're all human, and we all make mistakes. I usually look at life this way, it is the healthiest thing to do. There is no reason to throw more wood to the fire; if I said what it needed to be said, and my friend doesn't break the pattern, I will move on with my life. I did what I thought necessary, and as adults, we are responsible for our own actions. In 2014, I will hold you liable for every move you make; you have no valid excuses to withdraw from them.
As a friend of yours, if I see you doing something fucked up that may hurt you, I will tell you. There is no YOLO in my vocabulary. There are times, I admit, but not when you're at risk. If I see you are the one causing the pain, I will call you out on your bullshit. And I am willing to risk your friendship not because I don't care about you, but in the contrary; I give many fucks and that's why I get on our face. Besides harming someone else, you're also doing it to yourself, and to me; if I am willing to put a stop to your shit, I am risking your friendship, and that will hurt like a muthafucka. So it's a losing game for everyone, unless someone takes the first step towards a changing attitude.
I guess my downfall has always been that I care too much.
I guess my downfall has also been that I don't give a fuck.